In view of the statements made by relevant political leaders that point to the possibility of interference in Panama’s sovereignty and in the management of the Panama Canal, the IHLADI deems it appropriate to make the following
The principle of respect for the sovereignty of States over their territory and their territorial integrity is one of the basic pillars of international law. Likewise, compliance with the obligations arising from international treaties is an essential part of the imperatives imposed by international law. The Panama Canal is part of the sovereign territory of the Panamanian State. Since the Torrijos-Carter Treaties of 1977, Panama’s sovereignty over the Canal has been consolidated and has not been called into question. Pursuant to these treaties, Panama has taken over the neutral, safe and open operation of this international maritime passage to ensure the peaceful transit through it by vessels regardless of their flag of registry. Any claim against the State of Panama for the administration and management of the Canal must be articulated through the peaceful mechanisms of dispute settlement and in accordance with international law and the obligations assumed by the States in such treaties. In no case shall the administrative or economic management of the Canal by Panama justify the use of force or interference in such management by other States.